Seems like I’m writing in this blog once every so many months. I’m kind of questioning if it’s even worth keeping it up, but then I see some comments about how one of my posts helped someone with something, and I tell myself, “Yeah, my blog is helping people out so it’s worth it! Even if it’s just a small handful. :)”
Anyway, without totally getting into it, things went complete shit. But now things are good again. I’m picking myself up and diving deep into self-improvement! I got Invisalign and have a double chin lipo surgery lined up for June (I know… you should learn to accept yourself. But at the same time, you only live once, and I think if you have the means to change something to make yourself happier, you should do it!) I’m also planning on getting LASIK at some point; maybe after I use up all my eye contacts so it doesn’t feel like they have to go to waste haha.
I recently visited a doctor and am getting refills on my Adderall again. My supply was limited since I moved back to LA in late October, and I’ve been holding off on taking them because I was “saving them” for when I really need them. But now that I have a continuous supply again, I feel like I can actually take them daily! I’ve been feeling mega tired and unfocused throughout work, so I’m really glad I can start taking them again without worrying about running out.
As for my goals that I mentioned in my last post, I’ve been very slowly chipping away at them. But I’m making progress, and as I always say, tiny progress is still better than no progress at all.
Things have been overwhelming lately, but I’m motivated and hopeful that I’ll get through it all. I have no idea how many people even read these life update posts, but if you are and you’re going through a rough patch, I hope you’re hanging in there. ❤️