Pizza Run – Creating a Prototype

Now that we have set up our project, let’s create a prototype for Pizza Run. If you haven’t been following along with my previous posts, you can read its overview here. Note that I am working on iOS, so instructions may vary for Windows. Now, the prototype won’t really be a prototype, per se. I Pizza Run – Creating a Prototype

Pizza Run – Project Setup

Before we can begin creating a game, we will need to set up the environment to make it. This post will go over how I set up Unity for my game, Pizza Run. If you haven’t been following along with my previous posts, you can read its overview here. Note that I am working on Pizza Run – Project Setup

Productive BINGO!

I suck at getting things done. I want to be productive, but I’m just bad at it. There, I said it. I’m the type of person with dozens of half-finished projects and impulsively-bought hobby items that I swore I would actually use, but end up inevitably forgotten in a drawer somewhere. I’m sure you can Productive BINGO!