game development

Pizza Run – Creating a Prototype

Now that we have set up our project, let’s create a prototype for Pizza Run. If you haven’t been following along with my previous posts, you can read its overview here. Note that I am working on iOS, so instructions may vary for Windows. Now, the prototype won’t really be a prototype, per se. I Pizza Run – Creating a Prototype

Pizza Run – Project Setup

Before we can begin creating a game, we will need to set up the environment to make it. This post will go over how I set up Unity for my game, Pizza Run. If you haven’t been following along with my previous posts, you can read its overview here. Note that I am working on Pizza Run – Project Setup

Game Jelly: Monster Match

Wanted to announce the latest game I’d been working on: Monster Match! It was finished about two weeks ago on Sept 26, but I’ve been slacking on writing these blog posts haha. This game is part of my “Game Jelly” series, which is basically what I call my game jam group between friends. This is Game Jelly: Monster Match